Ghost Story #1

This was like the third or fourth time we met. You were here. You had come here just to meet me. Things were however, as dark as they could get. You once said I got lighter the more it got dark, so I suppose I was the lightest I could ever have been. Pretty light. Light as can be. Oh well, there were guards. They were trying to stop us. This can never happen, they said. You’ll never get pass it. I don’t remember if they were really saying this or if I was imagining they were saying it, but all people had doubts. Well then I saw you. You were in front of a garage, and you looked at me. You looked at me as if you were starring directly into the unknown. As if you were ready to retreat at any time. Or maybe I was ready to retreat at the sound of a single breath. And I used that against you later. I apologize for doing this a billion times. Well you didn’t know who I was, or to be more specific, you didn’t know what I could come to be at any moment. I was Unreachable. You were nearly crying. I was crying too, except my tears had frozen.

About Mari Cioffi

música, jornalismo, piadas desnecessárias e inglês com sotaque brasileiro proposital.
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